WE ALL admire the resilience of the bamboo grass.
Junior Ecologists from Alabel National Science High School joined the Riverbank Rehabilitation Program at Sitio Upper Datal As, Malandag, Malungon, Sarangani Province and, together with the different stakeholders, we planted 200 bamboo along the banks of Buayan River.

The Riverbank Rehabilitation Program is a collaboration between the Dana Foundation, the corporate social responsibility arm of Dana-Fresh Agri-Development, Inc., that owns a vast banana plantation in Malandag, the Barangay Council of Malandag, the Environment and Natural Resources Office of the province of Sarangani and of the municipality of Malungon, and the landowners near the banks of Buayan River.
After the bamboo planting, the stakeholders signed a MOA that contains the responsibilities of each party.

The land owners will be responsible for taking care of the newly planted bamboos.
There will be a monitoring team, composed of the local government officials, that will check out the plants from time to time.
In his speech, Mayor Reynaldo F. Constantino congratulated the partnership of the different sectors that ensured the success of the event.
He also said, “It is good that we recognize that damage has been done to our environment and we are now taking action.”

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