Teaching Values in School

This afternoon, the senior boys were called by their adviser. Reportedly, these boys made us, teachers, objects of ridicule by following the way we walk. Yeah, I was not spared. (I wonder if they could follow my Mr. University walk. Lol.) These students were led by the same guys who tagged each teacher obscene names when they were still in their freshman year

What?! No Homework on Weekends?!

WELL, I should not panic. The memo (Memorandum No. 392) issued by the Department of Education applies only to elementary schools. Okay, I could still give assignments to my students on weekends.

No, don’t get me wrong. I don’t give assignments to my students to simply make their lives miserable. Come to think of it, the teacher needs to assess the students’ outputs afterward. In other words, giving assignments to students also means additional work for the teacher.

Welcome to The Teacher’s Notebook!

The Teacher’s Notebook is a collection of my daily reflections about teaching, learning, and my life as a teacher. With this blog, I hope to connect with fellow educators, students, and other people in the academe. I envision this blog to be an avenue for exchange of information, observations, opinions, and ideas that teachers like me, and students as well, could utilize to improve the teaching-learning process.