Issues and Opportunities for Learning in Social Networking Sites

TODAY’S GENERATION may be aptly called the generation of social networking. Get inside any classroom and ask who among the students have an account on Facebook, Twitter, Plurk, Tumblr, Formspring, or Friendster, and behold a sea of hands raised in response. If you would even pry into how much time they spend on these social networking sites, you would wonder if they still have time for their studies. Until thorough research is made, we can only speculate on the extent of influence social networking sites have on our kids.

Peer Study Team in Physics — An Action Research

In addition to the strategies I employ to make physics interesting to my students, I organized peer study teams among my students. This program aims to mobilize my students to help each other in reviewing their lessons and ultimately, to improve their performance in class.

My Own Guidelines for Online Learning Activities

They may not cover all the important considerations, but at least, they give me a clear idea of what I am doing and why I am doing it. ICT integration does not only mean making use of technology in teaching but making sure that they effectively facilitate learning.

Active Learning in Optics and Photonics

WHAT I really like about teaching here at the Regional Science High School is that you get the chance to participate in a lot of seminars and workshops. This workshop, Active Learning in Optics and Photonics (ALOP), that I am attending now at the UP-NISMED…

PhET: A Vast Resource for Science and Mathematics Teachers

According to the Sensory Stimulation Theory, there is greater learning if the different senses are stimulated at the same time. That is why, we always have to use visual aids during lectures, why we make students simulate real-life physical phenomena in the laboratory, and a host of other teaching strategies wherein the students make us of their senses.