Educational Video Project

The following topics are applications of the topics we have recently discussed in class. What you will do is to come up with a short video featuring 10 Important Things that People Should know about these topics: Group I – The Telephone and Cellular Communication…

Grade 7: Methods of Heat Transfer

HAVE YOU experienced touching a hot object–like the cover of your kettle? Your reflexes immediately responds to the heat that is being transferred from the hotter metal to your colder hand, thus, you pull your hand back, right away. That is an example of energy…

Review Questions on Gravitation

HERE ARE the multiple choice on the Law of Universal Gravitation. You may check your notes, books, and other online resources to answer the questions below. Quiz expires by 8PM tonight, January 17, 2014.   More review questions will be coming up soon, only here…

Review Questions: Mechanics

HERE ARE review questions in Mechanics covering Newton’s Laws, momentum, and impulse. This multiple choice quiz will close at 8pm tonight, January16. Make sure you have sent your responses before that time. Review the concepts, using your notes, books, or online resources to make sure…

Grade 7 Science: What is Light?

Hi, Kids! This is our introductory activity to our new topic: light. All of us have experienced light. You observe everyday that when the sun sets in the afternoon, it becomes dark. When you turn of the lamp at night, it becomes dark. This means…

Grade 7-Science Distillation of Seawater

I MADE this video to document simple distillation done in our laboratory. One hour might not be enough to perform this activity, so documenting this will allow my students to revisit what happened during the activity. Teachers in other schools who might not be able…

Construction Project: Compound Machine

IT’S ALWAYS good to see my students working their brains out to use what they have learned in the classroom to build something. After we have discussed rotational motion, and work, power, and energy, I asked my students to build a compound machine, with three…

Project: Infographic on Enrichment Topics in Electricity

AS WE conclude our lessons on electricity, I asked my students to come up with an infographic on the enrichment topics, electrical safety and electricity economics. I created this infographic below, which summarizes the mechanics of the project. With this project, I aim to integrate…

Electricity Lesson: Building Circuits Online

ONE OF my favorite sources of learning materials online is PhET, which is run Colorado University. Here is another activity I designed using a simulation available on the PhET website in teaching basic circuits. Electricity is one interesting topic in Physics because it is a…