THE DEPED Division of Sarangani gathered its stakeholders for a consultation on the Enhanced K+12 Curriculum at the Sarangani Provincial Gymnasium today.

The goal of the said consultation was to present the salient features of the Department of Education’s Enhanced K+12 Curriculum to principals, teachers, parents, community leaders, and student representatives and to elicit opinions from the different sectors regarding the said education reform.
The Division of Sarangani would also like to hear your thoughts.
You may share what you are thinking about the Enhanced K+12 Curriculum by sending a message to 09073902976 or to
Or, you may vote in my poll below:
[poll id=”2″]
If you would like to read more about the Enhanced K+12 Curriculum, you might want to read my previous post:
What is the Enhanced K+12 Curriculum and Why Do We Need It?
Let your voice be heard.
Photo credits:
Mrs. Judith Alba
Training Coordinator
DepEd Division of Sarangani