or The Four Things I Realized After Attending the GTA SEA 2014 I was lucky to be one of the participants of the Google Teacher Academy Southeast Asia. Now let me share with you few of the important things that our public schools in the…
Category: Insights

5 Reasons Why Teachers have to be Active in Social Media
The role of teachers in educating their students goes beyond the classroom. This time I am not talking about teaching strategies that use resources outside the classroom. I am talking about the opportunity of influencing them beyond school hours, beyond the school curriculum. I think…
Independent Learning
WHEN I hear feedback from my students that I don’t explain my lessons thoroughly in the classroom, I don’t feel bad. In fact, I feel glad about it. I really intend not to give explanations to my students. I prefer that they themselves seek answers…
Start the School Year Right: Set Clear Goals
IT’S THE start of the school year again. It won’t hurt if we make a plan before we embark on a new journey. In fact, I find it very important to set clear goals in order to see better where we are headed. Personally, I…
My Thoughts on the Unified Examination
THE DIVISION of Sarangani implements this process for the periodical exams: The division supervisors prepare the exam. The school principal (or a representative) secures a soft copy of the exam from the division office. The school reproduces the exam. The teacher administers the exam. As…
Rethinking the Screening Process
AlSci implements new entrance exam scheme Alabel National Science High School (AlSci), the Regional Science High School for Region XII implements this year a new scheme in the screening process for the incoming freshmen of school year 2012-2013. With the goal of reaching out to…
Thanking You, Teachers
I HAVE been very busy in the past few days and I have not been updating this blog. I missing my students, too, because I haven’t met them for over a week now due to the co-curricular and extra-curricular activities I participated in. Today is…
The Attitude of Winners
LIFE IS a race. It is a fierce competition where only the fittest survives. That might sound a little too existentialist, or too Darwinian, but don’t get me wrong. I believe that it is a succinct description of our world today: adapt or go extinct….
The Energy to Teach
TEACHING IS definitely one of the most wonderful professions in the world because, for one, you get to have a hand in molding the minds of the young. However, the demands can sometimes be too great to the extent that it can be very stressful…
The School Factor: Tips in Choosing the Right College or University
IT IS entrance examination season. Colleges’ and universities’ admission personnel and some of their brightest students visit high schools to sell the best qualities and practices of their respective institutions. Aside from choosing a career or college course, current high school seniors are trying to…